Throne of glass

  • Friend: Are you finished with this book?
    Me: Physically? Yes.

    Me: Emotionally? Stares into distances Never…😥😥

 Writer : Sarah Janet Mass.

     Sarah Mass was born on 5th March 1986 in New York. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband Josh and her son Taran. Sarah began Writing her debut novel when she was 16 years old.

Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing.
Genre : Fantasy.
Originally published on 2nd August 2012.
Approximate price : Rs. 100 to Rs. 250.
Review on Goodreads : 4.19/5.

     This is the first novel in Throne of glass series after The Assassin's Blade. In this book, Celaena Sardothien starts a new chapter of her life.She worked as a slave in Endovier for a year and had lost the hope of ever getting out . But then she gets to decide her future, either compete for the post of King's Champion or rot in the mines for the rest of her life. A year in Endovier made her choose to compete with 23 other competitors in which she was the only female member. She made a bargain with the Crown Prince, four years of her life as King's Champion  in exchange of her freedom.

     She is being escorted from the mines to the Glass Castle by Crown Prince Dorian Havilliard and Captain of Royal Guard Chaol Westfall. How lucky😁!! And now her real problems starts. She has to live, malnutritioned and alone (without any help) in the Glass Castle with the man who destroyed her whole life. Adarlan's most feared assassin is been bullied by a maid. Chaol hates her just because she was an assassin. Dorian flirts with her because she loves to read books. Cain taunts her because she is the only female competitive. What a mess! And to add insult to injury, she has to keep her identity as 'Adarlan's most feared assassin' a secret and compete as Lady Lillian Gordaina.

     She slowly rebuilds her body to it's formal shape after serving as a slave by working with Chaol. She befriend Princess Nehemia Ytger of Eyllwe, who was staying in the castle in Adarlan to learn about their culture and lifestyles. She slowly builds her friendship with Chaol and Dorian.

     Some ancient evil starts killing the competitors just before the elimination tests and Celaena is assigned to find and stop that creature by the first Queen of Adarlan (who died centuries ago)😵. Many interesting incidents happens with the trio in sparring lessons or in library or castle garden and Celaena shocked them both by visiting the Yule Ball uninvited (She looks beautiful in her grey gown with small star like design). Dorian and Celaena dances the whole night and Chaol is jealous. Dorian gave her a puppy as Yule gift and she named her Fleetfoot.

     More competitors died by some mysterious evil creature as the final duel arrives. Can Celaena find and stop the evil creature before the duel or will she be the next victim? The novel is full of plots, twits and turns, secrets, betrayal, survival along with friendship and love.

     Some of my favorite quotes from this novel :

  1. “Libraries were full of ideas, perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.” - Celaena Sardothien.                              
  2. “You could rattle the stars," she whispered. "You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.” - Nehemia Ytger.
  3. “We all bear scars,... Mine just happen to be more visible than most.” - Celaena Sardothien.
  4. “Still, the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: a lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back.” - Dorian Havilliard.
  5. With each day he felt the barriers melting. He let them melt. Because of her genuine laugh, because he caught her one afternoon sleeping with her face in the middle of a book, because he knew that she would win" - Chaol Westfall.
  6. “I name you Elentiya." She kissed the assassin's brow. "I give you this name to use with honor, to use when other names grow too heavy. I name you Elentiya, 'Spirit That Could Not Be Broken.” - Nehemia Ytger

     Introduction to the Characters...

Celaena Sardothien.

Dorian Havilliard

Chaol Westfall

Nehemia Ytger




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